Information about the palm climbing device (PSP):

The device (Palm sprinter Platform: PSP) takes over the duties of the rise and descent on one trunk palm. The operating person should reach certainly, comfortably and fast the desired height and carry out the necessary works. The use is inde-pendent of the height and of the diameter of the palm. The PSP can be put on the diameter, all the same which kind of palms. For security of the operating person different measures were taken.
Taking the tools to the care, reaping, dusting as well as bringing the fruits or juices is slightly possible thanks to the big stage surface. The service of the PSP slightly can be learnt. The care of the PSP with accessories and spare parts is unproblematic.
The transport of the PSP including tools is light, because the parts are foldable up.

With this easy device we want to reach that the people working on the palm can do the work certainly, comfortably and simply.
We want to reach that also older employees can carry out this work safely.
We do not want to risk her life that youngsters from poorer regions are made to climb high and to collect fruits by aerial height.
We would want that these children may go to school, instead, and the technical solution is a good contribution moreover.