Countries of origin for dates

The date palm is home in different areas. From the Canary islands to Crete, on the whole, the Middle East and completely Africa, in India and in the north of Sumatra. The palm stands heat, but no frost and no humidity and it also needs water, particu-larly during the ripening period. Thus it grows in the surroundings of watercourses like on the Euphrates and Tigris or at the Nile.
In oases with ground water the date palm may not be absent of course. Because it get by in the dry areas hardly other types of tree with so little water and shade for other plants offers, it is no miracle that the date palm has there great importance. It is cultivated in many countries. It has beside the consumption as a natural product other possibilities of utilisation. Their fruits are also long-lasting long: at least 1 year.
The worldwide production amounts to 7. 5 million tonnes of dates (in 2013, Reference Wikipedia. org).

The biggest producers of dates (2012):

Date production in tonnes
Egypt 1.470 000,00
Iran 1.066 000,00
Saudi Arabia 1.050 000,00
Algeria 789 360,00
Iraq 650 000,00
Pakistan 600 000,00
Sudan 433 500,00
Oman 270 000,00
Arab Emirates 250 000,00
Tunisia 190 000,00
Libya 170 000,00
China 150 000,00
Morocco 113 400,00